Friday, March 23, 2007

and i saw sparks.

Algy: Do you mean you couldn't love me if I had a different name?
Cecily: But what name?
Algy: Well... Algy, for instance.
Cecily: I might respect you, Earnest, I might admire your character, but I feel that I could never give you my undivided attention.

Gwendolyn: In matters of utmost importance, style, not sincerity, is the vital thing.

Jack: How you can sit there eating muffins when we're in this terrible trouble, I can't make out! It seems to me to be perfectly heartless...
Algy: I can hardly eat muffins in an agitated manner. The butter would probably get on my cuffs.

Algy: But why does your aunt call you her uncle?
[Reading cigarette case]
Algy: "From little Cecily, with her fondest love to her dear Uncle Jack." There is no objection, I admit, to an aunt being a small aunt, but why an aunt, no matter what her size may be, should call her own nephew her uncle, I can't quite make out.

ah.. a few of my favorite quotes from The Importance of Being Earnest. You should go read it, then listen to " Lady Come Down." its super fun.


Anonymous said...

what a crazy movie.

but fun.

espeically when als falls asleep and you talk to her for a few minutes before realizing it. haha.

Anonymous said...


i think blogger needs a different post from your xanga.


and i hate sushi. although i did first try it with you guys.


and i was not asleep.

Anonymous said...

harsh als.

kristina said...

i enjoyed the movie

funny quotes

sushi is ok...

kristina said...

....sorry that was a random and all over the place comment

Anonymous said...

i don't like sushi at all.
but i do like the importance of being earnest.

Anonymous said...

yeah you were. you didn't wake up till the boys came home.

it was all the chocolate...

Anonymous said...

i'm surprised aly!

yes, love the movie! never read the book though, sadly.

Anonymous said...

Hmm, well, I've never seen the movie, or read the book. But in most cases, if you haven't seen the movie or read the book, you want to read the book first because most of the time, the movie is based on the book.
So if I ever see the movie or read the book, I'll most likely do the latter first.
Sushi...hmmm, never tasted it, but I can't get myself past the fact that it's raw meat to try.
That was a Loooong comment... :o)