this is probably going to make no sense.
but.. anyways.
the other day it occured to me that we live in an extremely impatient, demanding culture.
i was trying to hook up the ipod the other day in the car. all i wanted to do was listen to some memory songs.
and the signal was staticy. my first reaction was to be like "gosh. i just want some music! let me have my signal now."
then i kinda realized...
how typical of our culture.
i want what i want.
ani want it NOW.
and dont you dare try to get in my way.
we want everything immediately. i want my food fast, i want my computer to start now, i want my coffee,i want you to talk to me now.
i want this. and i want that other thing too.
we seem to have no patience anymore. i was reading a book the other day full of old letters two people had written eachother.
letters. they had patience.
they took the time to write down their thoughts, and took their time to receive it.
even with gchat and e-mail. dont get me wrong. i love being able to talk to the people that mean a lot to me then. i wouldnt know what was going on in their lives as much. but still.
I want to take time to do things.
Why dont any of us write letters anymore? Why dont we enjoy waiting for things. But so much of life is waiting. Patience is definetly something i need to work on.
i know this isnt really making sense. but, just enjoy waiting sometimes.
Listen to the static on the radio. and like it.
Write a letter to someone.and wait for the reply.
( the picture is of somewhere in London. mom and dad took it.)
Good post, my friend!!! I totally understand what you are trying to say. We live in such an impatient culture and everything can be available in such a quick fashion these days, that we find it hard to wait for anything. I sometimes wonder if this is the reason why we find trusting God such a hard task at times....because He is under no obligation to give us results right away. Thank goodness for that!!!
it made perfect sense.
thanks for sharing. great post.
Very good post!
new one...
yeah, it made sense to me too. i thought it was insightful.
considering i just got back from a 15-hr drive and 4 hrs of sleep, not much is making sense right now.
did you know that your NA link was to some networking solutions site?
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